Cape & Bricks;

Hello all~~

As you are reading this, I should be on the way to the airport now for my flight to London :D

Yes it is mostly a solo trip, whereby I will be spending 6 days in London, then 3 days in Paris, and then I will make my way back to London for my flight back to SG ;)

So in the meantime let me just share one of the outfits I recently put together that might give you all an idea on how to dress for Fall in super sunny Singapore (despite the rain mehhhh~~)

Cape Blazer : @TheHauteTheory
Watch : SolvilEt Titus
Bangle : Bangkok
Booties : Online buy
Top : H&M Basics
Skirt : FYN

When I first saw this cape blazer while on set for a shoot with @TheHauteTheory, I knew
I had had had had to get this cape blazer.
I mean, for the weather in SG, WE REALLY DO NEED APPARELS LIKE THIS!
Covered but not really that covered and of good material with some structure.
Heh heh.

The skirt from FYN was another must-have for me, as I know that I have too many plain coloured apparels sometimes it really do get boring to look.

Tip : If getting prints (no matter for a top or bottom), find a common colour
that the apparel has to match it with other plain coloured stuffs.
Like take this outfit for example, there are many shades on the skirt, I simply picked out
apparels/items that are black to match with the skirt so I would look "complete" and not "too messy too much".

Yes no doubt black is great, but in my opinion mixing it up with other colours/prints will make it
even more desirable.

So, to love or not?

Photo credits : Nat Chua
Editing : Agnes Low

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