As the title states; these two months life has been CRAZY for me.
I had two concerts to prepare for, my primary school class' handbells' concert, and my own students' recital concert.
Overall, two very successful events yippee hehe (:
I remembered sobbing one day (during start of nov I think?) cos I really couldnt take it anymore.
I was so stressed up, so busy, so exhausted.
There was not only the concerts.
Cookie was not well (on and off), the house issues unsettled, bills/payments coming in (zzz) and little things here and there bothered me.
But thankfully its all over and now I'm in a super holiday mood.
Krabi in three weeks' time and then....CHRISTMAS YAY
I have actually already bought everyone's presents.
The house is going to be done and finalised soon, just need to add some final decorations and pending some more appliances.
I am going to BALI for honeymoon (sadly no Maldives yet as we are currently quite broke after the house reno haha)
but I'm thankful we even can afford a decent honeymoon at a super nice villa in Bali *heart eyes smiley* HAHAHA
Okay shall stop talking and spam some pictures :D
Overall what happened :
1) Cookie during a visit at my godmum's place, at my mum's birthday and also him sleeping. And I forgot which day exactly but some day in Oct we went to Marina Barrage with Cookie. It wasnt it that caused his infections etc though.

2) Met up with a few good friends at town, only uploaded some as there are more/updated pics in my instagram @aggylow

A gift from Miss HOT. Love it super much cos it's so sweet and thoughtful right?! :')
3) KUKUP Island with my family (Mother's side) - quite an okay island,
nothing much to do there except mahjong and karaoke, best
to avoid during NOV/DEC season as that island would be flies infested during that period

4) My handbell kids

5) My students' recital concert - Lovely Mum, Mr Choo and Mei Nv with her son Zayn :D

Next blog entry : The place I call : HOME (:
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